Expect Me To

"Oh my god! Alex, get your hands off my tits!" Alex shook his pretty little head, keeping his hands on Sydney's chest the whole time. "Uh uh Syd, we switch bodies and I find myself with tiddies that you expect me not to touch? How could you expect me to keep my hands off these sweet things!" Alex responded, squeezing his new breasts. In reality, Alex knew exactly what switched them, he just didn't know if it was actually going to work. But now, the very magical rings that switched them were now pressing into his pleasurable new assets through the fabric of Sydney's bikini. His plan worked flawlessly. When Sydney fell asleep at the beach while tanning, Alex simply assumed her position and slipped the ring on her finger. It was easy enough to take the ring off of her once switched. Fooling her that he had no idea how they switched was even easier after all he had arrived to the beach wearing the rings, so playing it off like he wanted to wear them still, w...