No Rules

"Ok that should do it" Jerry said to himself, tightening the last bolt into place. He stepped up from the middle part of the machine and placed the maintenance access hatch back on, pressing down on it and hearing it click into place. "Time to test this out and hopefully I can get outta here." Jerry flicked a few levers on the control to restore power and opened up the start button's glass hatch. Except, as soon as he hit it he heard a feminine yelp as the carnival ride whirred to life. His head shot up and he saw a young blonde girl rush to buckle into one of the seats in front of him as the ride spun. Jerry rushed to hit the Switch Shield button to bring it down, but nothing happened. "Right the safety feature." He grimaced, knowing what was about to happen. As the ride began to spin and the shrill screams of the blonde girl shot past his ears, Jerry felt a sudden tingling sensation. His vision began to shift, seeing both the blonde blur rushing past...