A Goldilocks Tale

"Hey Callie, have you seen my phone?" I asked, walking close to my sisters room "Cal? Hey Callie, you in there?" "Oh, yea sorry, I was texting!" I heard her say from what sounded like her balcony. "Can I come in?" "Yea! What do you need?" "My phone, have you seen it?" I asked as I walked closer to her. "Uh, I think it was downstairs? Someone's phone is on the counter." I nodded and turned to walk out when I noticed something on her bed. It was two black hat of some kind, like construction hats. They were connected by a metal rod and were facing away from each other. It had a chord coming out of it and connected to it was a box with a green and red button on it. "Hey Cal, what's this?" I asked. She walked over and picked it up, looking it over. "Oh, it's one of dad's inventions. A body swap machine, don't tell him I took it. I kind of want to see if it works with my boyfriend." ...