Prototype Mind Reader

I watched in awe as Gabe started checking out his body. Cupping Jess's breasts and even sliding a hand down his pants and going wide-eyed for a second.
"Dude, how do you feel?" I asked
"Uhm, weird," he responded in Jess's cute dulcet "but, this is also kind of cool. Like I mean, I'm in someone else's body."
"It's just for a little while," I said, typing away at my computer "until we can fix this."
"Yea I know." He said as he got up from the table and walked over.
On the screen was a scan of my girlfriend Jess's brain, one of my inventions had done something to her which ended up digitizing her mind into a file on my computer. It was a prototype mind reader, but I didn't expect her to even know how to turn it on. So I had to call my friend Gabe, he was a bit of a loner, never really hung out with people and mostly kept to himself. I considered him a good guy though and putting his mind in Jess's body while I tried to fix this seemed like a no brainer. No pun intended.
Jess was popular, so she had appearances to keep up with school, work, and her friends. I figured Gabe could do that for awhile. We had frozen his body in cryostasis while I worked on getting Jess's mind out of my computer.

Gabe took Jess's body home while I worked on fixing this. He agreed to pretend to be my girlfriend while he was her for the time being as well. Just so no one would get suspicious.
"Only in public," he said "I'm still a guy in here, I don't want you getting any funny ideas."

I closed the door to my new apartment and sighed in relief. As strange as this was, right now I was in the body of the hottest girl I knew, and I had full unrestricted access to it. Anything she touched felt or did, I now had complete control of.
I looked down at myself, clad in a basic black t-shirt and white pajama bottoms she had on this morning. Jess was skinny, so it was odd being fit, and not overweight like my old body was. And then there were her breasts, two beautifully shaped orbs staring up at me. I couldn't resist and flung my hands onto them squeezing them and feeling tiny little pulses of arousal run through me. Far different then the man boobs I used to have. I dropped my hands off, and walked over to a mirror I saw in the living room, admiring myself. 
"I'm so hot now, jeeze." I said, turning to the side and running a hand over my butt. And what a nice butt it was.
"Argh, I can't take it anymore," I said, crossing my arms and pulling my shirt off to reveal Jess's gorgeous breasts. I instantly started kneading and squeezing them with my hands. It felt indescribable.
My hand slithered down and I grinned.
"Might as well."

Multiple orgasms are to die for.

6 Months Later

I hadn't seen too much of Gabe after a few months. He was either at a party or too tired to do anything. It wasn't until I came across him in public that I figured out why.
I saw Jess's body, still housing Gabe's mind, on a date with someone else at a coffee shop. I watched them the whole time, just staring. I watched as she-he got up and kiss the guy on the lips. They walked outside and approached a stark black Lamborghini, the guy even opened the door for him!

I waited a day and then I called him.
"Gabe what the fuck are you doing?" I practically screamed.
"What are you talking about?" Jess's voice responded, it was still weird.
"I saw you with that guy."
I could pretty much hear him freeze, and then he sighed. "I guess you were going to find out at some point, he's my fiancé."
"Your what?!"
"Look, we both know you're not making any progress with Jess's mind, and well, I really like this life. I don't want to go back to my old one, and I mean, I'm living in a mansion."
"You can't do this! That's Jess's body and Jess's life!"
"Well it's mine now." He said matter of factly.
"You haven't-?"
"Had sex with him? Oh hell yea Ty. I masturbated a ton on the first night I was in this body, do you know how females feel with multiple orgasms? It's insane, you can just keep going! My new soon to be hubby knows his way around this body too. The way he makes me feel? God I can't even describe it properly. But I gotta go now, it was fun talking to you. Bye!"
"Gabe wait-!"
It was too late, the call had ended. 
What was I going to do?

I sighed, annoyed as I tossed my phone onto the bed. Dan snuck an arm around me and lightly squeezed my breast.
"Good morning gorgeous."
I turned and met his lips. "Mmmm, good morning lover."
"You up for a morning quickie? I have to be in the office a bit early today."
I grinned and fully turned around, displaying my topless self to him.
"Hell yes."

I couldn't believe I was here, in this body, in this life. I was never going back, not after that first night I felt the pleasure's of Jess's body. I felt a bit bad for the real Jess, I had pretty much stolen her life. But when this body can make me feel this good, it's hard to care. I never had much in my old life, but now, living as a sexy brunette, I had everything I wanted.


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