A Different Kind Of Vampire


"Oh yea, now this is more like it." Asatre said in his new voice as he cupped his bare breasts, feeling the finishing touches as his new body finished changing "been a good few hundred years since I've been a girl. Back then they did not look like this."
"What-what are you?" Vivian said, on the ground bleeding out. Her body was now a spitting image of the guy Asatre had just been to seduce her with.

Asatre crouched down, wiping some of Vivian's blood off the sides of his mouth with his fingers and then sucking them clean.
"Sorry sweetheart, well no, I'm not really. I do this to survive and also because it's fun and so fucking hot."
Asatre slipped a hand below and started rubbing his new pussy. Making Vivian watch as he masturbated, soon coming to an explosion of pleasure as he had his orgasm in a female body.
"Jeeze! I didn't know girls felt this way! Probably would have stayed in that other body years ago if I knew you all could feel like this. Fuck me, definitely staying in your body for a damn good while. I know how to pick em!" He said, licking his fingers again and tasting the sweet saltiness of Vivian's pussy.
"Why are you doing this?" Vivian said in her male voice, barely struggling to even speak now.
"Well, I guess since you're going to die anyways, so I should probably tell you," Asatre said, slipping on Vivian's top and massaging his breasts a little as he did. Tweaking his nipple and causing a jolt of electricity to run through him, making him let loose a feminine squeal.
"I am a Vampire. But not a traditional one as you might have been able to tell. When I drain my victim's blood fully, I switch bodies with them. They, or my last body in this case, and I become them. Our bodies fully transform into each other! The guy you're going to die as, Ryan? I've been him since he was 3 years old. The moment I laid eyes on him, I knew he was going to turn out to be such a hot guy. So I knew I had to have him for my own fun, and you? Well basically the same thing, except I just happened to need a new body as well. Ryan's life was getting boring. I needed a new kind of fun."

"Please, don't let me die. I'll do anything!" Vivian tried to yell.
"Look, Vivian was it? I can't do that honey. Even if I wanted to. This is just how this works. Was a woman once before. It was how I found out about my power, hated it, so I moved on. Women back in my day did not have the privileges and certainly did not get to dress like this. Never got to experience what the other side feels as well. I'm already liking it. Ta ta now."

Asatre then left the room and went back to the party. Looking for a new victim, this time, he wouldn't drain all of their blood. Though he figured he would let himself snack on some of someone. Halloween was the best time of year for him to get away with some good food. Especially in a body like this, some were into the kind of stuff he could provide.
Asatre spied a sexy cop amidst a group of some girls. His body lit up, turning itself on at the thought of lesbian sex. Asatre hiked up his breasts and strolled over for a late night snack.


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