Magic Taxi #2

Gerald was all smiles as he gathered his new things, getting himself or rather herself together to get out of the cab.
He couldn't believe what his luck had been like. After ending up in the smelly body of the cab driver, whoever it was that was now in his aging 76 year old body had a panic attack. Claiming they made a mistake and begging Gerald to give them another ride so they could switch back.
But before they could do so, the curse kicked in. Compelling both Gerald and the person now in Gerald's body to part ways.
Helpless as they both were, the person was forced to leave the cab, while Gerald was forced to drive away. And as much as Gerald hated this body, it was slightly better than his old on. The main reason being was because it was a younger body, and not aching all over like his old body was.
Sure he was gross, never able to wash off that cigarette and BO smell, no matter how hard he tried. Also never able to get rid of that beer gut that seemed to have permanent residence below.
He did want out of this body as soon as possible, but he wanted to be careful, cautious, not like the person before him. Gerald was going to be picky and extra wary of whoever got into the cab.
He spent months in that body with only his determination to keep him moving. He was happy he did it, because it was on one especially lonely night, that Julie stepped into the Magic Taxi.

Julie was perfect, and Gerald realized he had never thought about being a woman. But with a body, personality, and smile like hers, he thought it might be worth it to give it a try.
With baited breath he asked her where she was headed, and he let out a small sigh in relief as it exceeded the maximum fare required to activate the curse as he had read in the journal.
His anticipation was killing him, even more so than his last body. But as he finally grinded the car to a halt, he was almost shaking as he said the words.
"Have a nice day." He spoke as Julie handed him the money.
Then he felt it again, his perspective spinning, until he gazed back at the face he had stared at in disappointment in the mirror for all those months.
"Thank you!" He chirped in his new voice.
Stepping out of the Taxi was bliss for Gerald, youthful energy coursed through him, and although it was late at night, Gerald planned to fully explore what this body had to offer. He walked up the stairs to her apartment and gleefully closed the door, tossing his fancy jacket onto the couch.

Looking down, he was greeted by two petite lumps protruding from his chest.
"Man, I would have liked them a bit bigger though. Regardless, this is a fine body anyways." He smiled, reaching up to cup his new tits.
Gerald never in a million years would have imagined himself getting close to a girl like this, let alone actually being that girl.
He felt his new body tingle as a rush of warmth let itself spread throughout him, causing him to let loose a small sigh of lust in the process.
"Is this what it feel like for girls when they get turned on? This is intense."
Subconsciously, his right hand made it's way to his pants while his left fondled the nipple of his breast through Julie's sheer top. Once his hand made contact with his new pussy, Gerald was in heaven, unable to stop himself from feeling the powerful pulsations from Julie's body. He was soon on the couch, gently cupping his breast and massaging himself below, occasionally dipping a finger or two in and scraping the insides of his velvety folds. Before finally cresting over and climaxing, the intense stimulation bounced around his brain, causing him to squeal in pleasure.
As he looked around his new home, taking in all the extravagant items and furniture, he smiled to himself in the afterglow. He definitely picked the right new life to live.


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