During A Storm #12: Jumpstart

Emma was almost done with her science project before a set back caused her to have to stay late at night at the lab.
A storm raged around her as she tinkered away with the chemicals, writing notes here and there as she watched the effects of her experiment. She was getting sleepy however and she was so close to being done, so she forced herself to stay awake so she could finish up and head home.
"I hope this storm calms down a bit. I don't want to walk back to the dorms in this." She sighed, staring out at the little window to the campus outside.
"What's up with that lightning though? Is it, purple? Weird, I must just be super tired."

At that moment, a bright flash cascaded through the room, and suddenly someone else found themselves within Emma's tight young frame.
"Woah shit woah. I'm not in the prison...? Where am I?" She said, immediately clasping a hand to her mouth.
"That's not my voice, and..." she trailed off, looking down at herself "this isn't my body." She finished, reaching up to cup her breasts.
'Emma' began looking around, taking in her surroundings.
"Ok, so I'm in a lab. A college lab by the looks of it, and I'm in some woman's body. But why does this stuff all look so futuristic? Am I in the future or something?"
'Emma' started walking around, snooping through anything they could find, until she came across a peculiar sight.
"Oh. It's labeled too. 4/12/79. There's no way, can it be?"
'Emma' was currently looking at a brain in a jar. Suspended and preserved in a green fluid.
"That's my birthday. So I did die? But now I'm..." she trailed off again, running her slim hands down her curvy body "I'm alive again. So that must mean that this girl's mind is currently in my brain. Holy shit. This...is...awesome! I've got to find a mirror."

'Emma' sorted through her things, finding her Student ID and Dorm Address.
"Oh this girl is cute cute. Yea I can work with this."
The new Emma gathered all her things and prepared to brave the storm as she navigated to an exit. Only for the storm to suddenly vanish and the skies to become clear again, revealing the night sky.
"Weird, freaky." She said, casting the thought aside, making her way to her new dorm.
Some girls greeted her casually while she walked the halls. Eventually making it to her cozy home away from home. She tossed her bag off and stepped over to Emma's large mirror.

"Man, I always wanted to be with a girl like this." She said, reaching up and groping her new tits.
"Babe?" A male voice called out.
Emma dropped her hands and turned around as an attractive man walked out of the bathroom and came up to her, kissing her on the lips.
"I thought you weren't going to be done for another hour?" He said.
"I finished early," Emma lied, quite liking how her body was feeling after the kiss.
"Oh ok," He responded, pulling her close and grabbing the bottom part of her new ass, making Emma let out a quick moan of surprise.
Soon the two were on Emma's new bed, the boyfriend was elegantly eating her out, making the new Emma squirm and moan in bliss.

Revenge can wait for those assholes who framed me She thought to herself.

First I want to have some fun.


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