The Changing Stone: The Four Friends Part 3 (Finale)

For their first meet up in over half a year, Kylie asked Aaron to meet her at their old hangout spot. A local swimming club that they still had membership passes to. 
Kylie got there first, laying on the chair and applying sunscreen to her slim frame. Nervously awaiting Aaron's arrival.
"Woah," A voice said. Kylie looked up to see Aaron, albeit a more handsomer, and buffer version of the Aaron she had once known. "You look amazing Ky." He continued.
Kylie smiled at him, "Not so bad yourself stranger."
After a few awkward minutes and some reminiscing, Aaron made a really funny joke that broke both of their barriers down. They quickly fell into their old patterns and Kylie found herself resisting the urge to throw herself at Aaron. Unbeknownst to her, Aaron felt the same way.
They swam around and had lunch at the poolside from the club's in house restaurant. All the while Kylie was giving subtle hints and clue to Aaron for him to kiss her. She found it odd though, this was her first date ever since they all got trapped in their new bodies, but now she was the girl in the situation.
Eventually the topic of work and jobs came up and Aaron was the first to talk.
"Yea, I'm just working at some retail shop right now, getting my Photography degree and stuff like that. Nothing interesting really," He said, pausing to eat a fry "enough about me though! Where have you been? No one has seen you, like at all!"
Kylie blushed a bit, shying away and taking a sip of her drink.
"Well, uhm, how do I put this. You know the designer Gianna?"
"No way! You're working for her? She makes the best men's clothing, I'm wearing one of her swimsuit's right now! My work is one of the stores that sell her products."
Kylie laughed and stood and spun around, showing off her most recent swimsuit she designed.
"Oh you are! That's so cool! I'm guessing that's one of her new suits?" Aaron asked.
"Something like that," Kylie sat down and twiddled her thumbs "look, I haven't told anyone this outside of the people in the immediate company, but I am Gianna. I'm the founder and designer of the company. No one knows who I actually am."
Aaron's jaw dropped and he instantly became more attentive and curious. "You're fucking with me right?"
Kylie shook her head and reached over, placing a hand on his leg.
"What are you doing tomorrow?"
"Uhm, I think I have work later that day, but not much, why?"
"How would you like a tour of the company? I can easily get you clearance to get off work tomorrow. But you would need to meet me at the airport early in the morning."
"The airport? Why?"
"You asked why no one has seen me, didn't you?"

5AM The Next Morning
"You really weren't kidding," Aaron said, slack jawed at Kylie's private jet "I can't believe we're going to Greece!"
After a long 12 plus hour flight. The pair landed in Santorini's airport, immediately upon landing, a car pulled up to carry Aaron and Kylie to Kylie's home. A small, rustic mansion that was only a few minutes away from the headquarters of Gianna. They spent a lovely passion filled drunken night together in Kylie's lavish home.

"I seriously can't believe I'm considering this." Aaron said, lying on his back naked as Kylie brushed her teeth in the bathroom.
"Oh c'mon babe, it's been two months. You don't have a job anymore at the store anyways. Just come work for me! Also, you got to stop saying 'seriously' all the time."
Aaron chuckled a bit, "Alright fine, I'll do it! Under one condition."
Kylie peered over at him and raised her eyebrow, hands on her breasts, covering up.
"That I get to see you, every single day. Not for a few hours at the end of the day." He said, getting up "not at the end of the night and I come home to find you sleeping" he started moving towards Kylie, Kylie's hear began fluttering in her chest.
"I want you, morning, noon, and night. Every day, or else I'm gonna go insane."
Kylie smiled and kept her arm covering her breast, she took one hand and pulled off the towel on her head, dropping it to the floor and lowering her arms. Aaron picked up his walking pace a bit before Kylie stopped him with a waggling finger.
"I have one condition."
"And what's that?" Aaron was bursting at the seams at this point to jump her bones.
"You join me in my morning shower right now, or you don't get me at all."
"Deal!" He yelled, sprinting for her and scooping her up in his arms as Kylie squealed with joy and laughter.


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